News Karkhana is committed to fair and independent journalism. In dealing with advertisers and sponsors, top priority would be offered to journalistic theory, its readers and users' faith. News Karkhana is cleared that advertising is content controlled by third parties and payment. News Karkhana will endorse advertisements that comply with prevalent laws and advertising policy of Nepal.
The following guidelines apply to all types of advertisement published on any platform of News Karkhana, which will apply from the very moment we cooperate and make agreement between our advertiser and News Karkhana.
1. Any relation between advertiser and advertisement agreement does not affect the policy and commitment of News Karkhana.
2. Due to the advertisement published in the News Karkhana, freedom of journalism will not be jeopardized and will be completely free from prejudice.
3. Editorial team or staffs will not be participated in the process of advertising production, editing and other influence related to advertisement.
4. The advertisement will be presented differently from the news content created by the News Karkhana's editorial team.
5. Advertising is endorsed only by the News Karkhana accepting prevailing law and advertisement policy of Nepal.
6. Advertiser will be responsible for the advertisement content Advertiser must adhere to all advertising laws, rules and guidelines.
7. Advertisements having incorrect or misleading information are not acceptable to us.
8. All rights to reject or remover any advertisement will remain with News Karkhana only.
9. News Karkhana reserve the right to decline initially any incorrect, misleading advertisement that may damage the reputation of the organization.
10. Advertisement prohibited by the prevailing law of Nepal will be automatically banned in News Karkhana.
11. For media management, News Karkhana will be able to reach a mutual agreement with the advertiser, but it will not be obligatory.
12. We are clear that the advertisement does not reflect the content of the News Karkhana and the views of the editorial team.